88. How do I update the text of a pane in a status bar?
By default, a CStatusBar pane is not enabled when the pane is created. To activate a pane, you must call the ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI() macro for each pane on the status bar and update the panes. Because panes do not send WM_COMMAND messages, you cannot use ClassWizard to activate panes; you must type the code manually. For example, suppose one pane has ID_INDICATOR_PAGE as its identifier and that it contains the current page number in a document. To make the ID_INDICATOR_PAGE pane display text, add the following to a header file (probably the MAINFRM.H file):
afx_msg void OnUpdatePage(CCmdUI *pCmdUI);
Add the following to the application message map:
Add the following to a source code file (probably MAINFRM.CPP):
void CMainFrame::OnUpdatePage(CCmdUI *pCmdUI)
To display text in the panes, either call SetPaneText() or call CCmdUI::SetText() in the OnUpdate() function. For example, you might want to set up an integer variable m_nPage that contains the current page number. Then, the OnUpdatePage() function might read as follows:
void CMainFrame::OnUpdatePage(CCmdUI *pCmdUI)
char szPage[16];
wsprintf((LPSTR)szPage, "Page %d", m_nPage);
This technique causes the page number to appear in the pane during idle processing in the same manner that the application updates other indicators.
How do I update the text of a pane in a status bar?
来源:清泛编译 2016-05-23 13:43:54 人气: 我有话说( 0 人参与)
1.属性页的添加:创建对话框的类,该类要从CpropertyPage继承;然后在要添加该对话框为 属性页的类(头文件)里创建CpropertySheet类的一
下一篇:MFC Telnet Application(mfc telnet 端口,代码实现、不调用telnet.exe)
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