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[解决]unable to mount NTFS partition fedora

来源:个人博客     2016-08-18 16:34:00    人气:     我有话说( 0 人参与)

解决fedora CentOS下不能挂载NTFS分区进了Windows 8 再一次进入Fedora后,出现unable to mount NTFS partition fedora的错误,其实...


进了Windows 8 再一次进入Fedora后,出现unable to mount NTFS partition fedora的错误,其实是Windows 8 快速启动造成的。关闭即可。具体操作如下:

打开Control Panel 点击 Power Options;

点击Choose what the power buttons do;
点击 Change settings that are currently unavailable;
在 Shutdown 设置, 去掉勾选 Turn on fast startup然后点击Save changes 按钮保存.


mount NTFS partition fedora

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