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解决:Apache is running a threaded MPM,but your PHP Modle is not compiled to be threadsafe. You need to recompile PHP.

来源:清泛编译     2017-03-07 09:45:39    人气:     我有话说( 0 人参与)

Apache和PHP环境运行时报错:Apache is running a threaded MPM,but your PHP Modle is not compiled to be threadsafe. Yo...

Apache和PHP环境运行时报错:Apache is running a threaded MPM,but your PHP Modle is not compiled to be threadsafe. You need to recompile PHP.

据说PHP5不建议和Apache的 worker MPM 搭配使用,但之前就是拿 PHP 5.2.6 + Apache 2.2.4 worker MPM 来跑服务,效果貌似挺好。

后来重新编译了一次 PHP 之后 Apache 就报错了:Apache is running a threaded MPM, but your PHP Module is not compiled to be threadsafe. You need to recompile PHP. Pre-configuration failed!

网上通常说的使用 --with-experimental-zts 参数以及 --enable-maintainer-zts 参数统统试了一遍,结果编 PHP 的时候就通不过了。只有改成使用 prefork MPM。

困扰了N久,最后才发现是因为重编 PHP 的时候加了 --with-openssl 把openssl 模块加进去了的缘故,去掉这个模块就又可以正常与 worker MPM 搭配了。



./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache2 --enable-module=shared --with-mpm=prefork

Apache MPM PHP

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